62 Main Apartments

Tarrytown, NY
The 62 Main Apartments project in Tarrytown, NY, is a multi-family residential development spanning 21,000 SF, featuring the innovative GreenGirt CMH continuous insulation system. This system was installed by Prata Construction with mineral wool insulation on wood studs and covered with standing seam cladding. L&M Design served as the architect, and Griffon Construction was the general contractor for this modern building endeavor.
Category Multi-Family
Size21,000 SF
System GreenGirt CMH Continuous Insulation System
Girt Size / Orientation / OC2.5" | H | 24" OC
Insulation TypeMineral wool
CladdingStanding seam
SubstrateWood studs
ArchitectL&M Design
ContractorGriffon Construction
InstallerPrata Construction