Charles W. Woodward High School

Rockville, MD
The “Charles W. Woodward High School” in Rockville, MD, is a 40,000 SF educational facility upgraded with the GreenGirt CMH continuous insulation system. Grimm+Parker Architects designed this project, which features mineral wool insulation and a mix of ACM and metal panel cladding on metal studs and CMU. HESS Construction led the construction, with Cole Roofing handling the precise installation work.
Category K-12 Education
Size40,000 SF
System GreenGirt CMH Continuous Insulation System
Girt Size / Orientation / OC3" | H | 16" OC
Insulation TypeMineral wool
CladdingMetal panels, ACM
SubstrateMetal studs, CMU
ArchitectGrimm+Parker Architects
ContractorHESS Construction
InstallerCole Roofing