Stockton University Residence Hall

Atlantic City, NJ
Stockton University Residence Hall in Atlantic City, NJ, is an 84,000 SF educational facility designed by Elkus Manfredi Architects. It features the GreenGirt CMH continuous insulation system with mineral wool, terra cotta cladding, and metal studs as the substrate. The project was constructed by Joseph Jingoli & Son, Inc., and installed by Dan Lepore & Sons Company.
Category College & University
Size84,000 SF
System GreenGirt CMH Continuous Insulation System
Girt Size / Orientation / OC3.5", 4" | H | 24" OC
Insulation TypeMineral wool
CladdingTerra cotta
SubstrateMetal studs
ArchitectElkus Manfredi Architects
General ContractorJoseph Jingoli & Son, Inc.
InstallerDan Leopre & Sons Company