NFPA 285

Sustainable Building Material

GreenGirt composite metal hybrid (CMH) has passed the NFPA 285 fire test.

The NFPA 285 fire test is widely regarded as the stand alone, gold standard among all building code fire tests. It has been developed in conjunction with the International Code Council (ICC) and represents the best components of various existing test protocols and standards. This stand-alone test measures the ability of a material or assembly to resist spreading flames when exposed to a specified fire event.

This fire test is designed to be a comprehensive and holistic approach towards evaluating the flammability characteristics of building materials, assemblies, and components. It does not only measure the amount of flame spread but also takes into account the smoke produced by burning material as well as other aspects that can contribute to increased fire hazard. The test is conducted in a laboratory setting, with the material or assembly being exposed to a simulated fire event and evaluated for its ability to resist flame spread.

The NFPA 285 fire test is considered the most reliable way of ensuring compliance with building codes. It provides property owners and developers with a single solution that can be applied across all jurisdictions. This makes it possible to ensure buildings meet the standards of fire safety without having to go through multiple, separate tests for each jurisdiction. And since NFPA 285 has been established as the gold standard for evaluating fire resistance, building code approval is almost always granted upon successful completion of this test.

Bypassing the NFPA 285 fire test can lead to significant liability, so it is important for property owners, developers, and architects to ensure they comply with this standard when designing, constructing and maintaining their buildings. The results of an NFPA 285 test are also invaluable in providing stakeholders with assurance that a building meets or exceeds fire safety standards. In short, this fire test is an essential component for achieving building code approval and should not be overlooked when designing or constructing any type of structure.

Overall, the NFPA 285 fire test is widely recognized as the gold standard among all building code fire tests. The NFPA 285 fire test is comprehensive and cost-effective, making it an invaluable tool for any property owner or developer looking to achieve building code approval. As such, this stand alone test should not be overlooked when designing or constructing any type of structure.

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