Pittsburgh EMS Medic 4 Station

Pittsburgh, PA
The new EMS station on the north side of Pittsburgh, PA will replace the original building built in the 1800s. This new facility will have room to accommodate more ambulances as well as a fitness room. The state-of-the-art facility, designed to meet Passivhause standards, will focus on reducing energy use. This project contains 5,800 square feet of the SMARTci building enclosure system.  
CategoryPublic Works
Size5,800 SF
SystemSMARTci building enclosure system
Girt Size / Orientation / OC3", 8" | V | 16" OC
Insulation TypePolyiso
CladdingMCM, ACM, Brick
SubstrateMetal Studs
General ContractorCaliber Contracting
InstallerMohawk Construction